Nomad Modular Hotel
LocationNew York City
Key Count168
Size100,000 sf
Budget$70 Million
The challenge with this Manhattan project was as simple as it was daunting: build a modular hotel in one of the most tightly packed cities in the world—and make sure it doesn’t look “modular.”
We knew modular construction would suit the project perfectly, since large hotels require duplicative symmetry and operational efficiency. But we didn’t want to make a tower that looked like stacked boxes or floating dorm rooms in the sky. We wanted to build an example of what modular could be. In DF&A’s design, high-quality consistency marries inventive architectural expression. A sophisticated balcony strategy shows that “pre-fab” can mean complex, and the gradated aluminum façade both masks the building’s modularity and visually elongates its form.
This 360-foot tower is designed to be the tallest modular hotel in the world. But what makes us even prouder than that stat is the fact that 842 6th Avenue will serve as a model of stylish modular design, proof that offsite fabrication and architectural sophistication can happily coexist.